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TypeScript 3.0


TypeScript 3.0 引入了一个叫做工程引用的新概念。工程引用允许TypeScript工程依赖于其它TypeScript工程 - 特别要提的是允许tsconfig.json文件引用其它tsconfig.json文件。当指明了这些依赖后,就可以方便地将代码分割成单独的小工程,有助于TypeScript(以及周边的工具)了解构建顺序和输出结构。

TypeScript 3.0 还引入了一种新的tsc模式,即--build标记,它与工程引用同时运用可以加速构建TypeScript。



TypeScript 3.0 增加了支持以元组类型与函数参数列表进行交互的能力。 如下:



当剩余参数里有元组类型时,元组类型被扩展为离散参数序列。 例如,如下两个声明是等价的:

declare function foo(...args: [number, string, boolean]): void;
declare function foo(...args: [number, string, boolean]): void;
declare function foo(args_0: number, args_1: string, args_2: boolean): void;
declare function foo(args_0: number, args_1: string, args_2: boolean): void;




const args: [number, string, boolean] = [42, "hello", true];
foo(42, "hello", true);
foo(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
const args: [number, string, boolean] = [42, "hello", true];
foo(42, "hello", true);
foo(args[0], args[1], args[2]);




declare function bind<T, U extends any[], V>(f: (x: T, ...args: U) => V, x: T): (...args: U) => V;

declare function f3(x: number, y: string, z: boolean): void;

const f2 = bind(f3, 42);  // (y: string, z: boolean) => void
const f1 = bind(f2, "hello");  // (z: boolean) => void
const f0 = bind(f1, true);  // () => void

f3(42, "hello", true);
f2("hello", true);
declare function bind<T, U extends any[], V>(f: (x: T, ...args: U) => V, x: T): (...args: U) => V;

declare function f3(x: number, y: string, z: boolean): void;

const f2 = bind(f3, 42);  // (y: string, z: boolean) => void
const f1 = bind(f2, "hello");  // (z: boolean) => void
const f0 = bind(f1, true);  // () => void

f3(42, "hello", true);
f2("hello", true);

上例的f2声明,类型推断可以推断出number[string, boolean]void做为TUV





let t: [number, string?, boolean?];
t = [42, "hello", true];
t = [42, "hello"];
t = [42];
let t: [number, string?, boolean?];
t = [42, "hello", true];
t = [42, "hello"];
t = [42];




带有可选元素的元组类型的length属性是表示可能长度的数字字面量类型的联合类型。 例如,[number, string?, boolean?]元组类型的length属性的类型是1 | 2 | 3


元组类型里最后一个元素可以是剩余元素,形式为...X,这里X是数组类型。 剩余元素代表元组类型是开放的,可以有零个或多个额外的元素。 例如,[number, ...string[]]表示带有一个number元素和任意数量string类型元素的元组类型。


function tuple<T extends any[]>(...args: T): T {
    return args;

const numbers: number[] = getArrayOfNumbers();
const t1 = tuple("foo", 1, true);  // [string, number, boolean]
const t2 = tuple("bar", ...numbers);  // [string, ...number[]]
function tuple<T extends any[]>(...args: T): T {
    return args;

const numbers: number[] = getArrayOfNumbers();
const t1 = tuple("foo", 1, true);  // [string, number, boolean]
const t2 = tuple("bar", ...numbers);  // [string, ...number[]]



TypeScript 3.0引入了一个顶级的unknown类型。 对照于anyunknown是类型安全的。 任何值都可以赋给unknown,但是当没有类型断言或基于控制流的类型细化时unknown不可以赋值给其它类型,除了它自己和any外。 同样地,在unknown没有被断言或细化到一个确切类型之前,是不允许在其上进行任何操作的。


// In an intersection everything absorbs unknown

type T00 = unknown & null;  // null
type T01 = unknown & undefined;  // undefined
type T02 = unknown & null & undefined;  // null & undefined (which becomes never)
type T03 = unknown & string;  // string
type T04 = unknown & string[];  // string[]
type T05 = unknown & unknown;  // unknown
type T06 = unknown & any;  // any

// In a union an unknown absorbs everything

type T10 = unknown | null;  // unknown
type T11 = unknown | undefined;  // unknown
type T12 = unknown | null | undefined;  // unknown
type T13 = unknown | string;  // unknown
type T14 = unknown | string[];  // unknown
type T15 = unknown | unknown;  // unknown
type T16 = unknown | any;  // any

// Type variable and unknown in union and intersection

type T20<T> = T & {};  // T & {}
type T21<T> = T | {};  // T | {}
type T22<T> = T & unknown;  // T
type T23<T> = T | unknown;  // unknown

// unknown in conditional types

type T30<T> = unknown extends T ? true : false;  // Deferred
type T31<T> = T extends unknown ? true : false;  // Deferred (so it distributes)
type T32<T> = never extends T ? true : false;  // true
type T33<T> = T extends never ? true : false;  // Deferred

// keyof unknown

type T40 = keyof any;  // string | number | symbol
type T41 = keyof unknown;  // never

// Only equality operators are allowed with unknown

function f10(x: unknown) {
    x == 5;
    x !== 10;
    x >= 0;  // Error
    x + 1;  // Error
    x * 2;  // Error
    -x;  // Error
    +x;  // Error

// No property accesses, element accesses, or function calls

function f11(x: unknown) {;  // Error
    x[5];  // Error
    x();  // Error
    new x();  // Error

// typeof, instanceof, and user defined type predicates

declare function isFunction(x: unknown): x is Function;

function f20(x: unknown) {
    if (typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number") {
        x;  // string | number
    if (x instanceof Error) {
        x;  // Error
    if (isFunction(x)) {
        x;  // Function

// Homomorphic mapped type over unknown

type T50<T> = { [P in keyof T]: number };
type T51 = T50<any>;  // { [x: string]: number }
type T52 = T50<unknown>;  // {}

// Anything is assignable to unknown

function f21<T>(pAny: any, pNever: never, pT: T) {
    let x: unknown;
    x = 123;
    x = "hello";
    x = [1, 2, 3];
    x = new Error();
    x = x;
    x = pAny;
    x = pNever;
    x = pT;

// unknown assignable only to itself and any

function f22(x: unknown) {
    let v1: any = x;
    let v2: unknown = x;
    let v3: object = x;  // Error
    let v4: string = x;  // Error
    let v5: string[] = x;  // Error
    let v6: {} = x;  // Error
    let v7: {} | null | undefined = x;  // Error

// Type parameter 'T extends unknown' not related to object

function f23<T extends unknown>(x: T) {
    let y: object = x;  // Error

// Anything but primitive assignable to { [x: string]: unknown }

function f24(x: { [x: string]: unknown }) {
    x = {};
    x = { a: 5 };
    x = [1, 2, 3];
    x = 123;  // Error

// Locals of type unknown always considered initialized

function f25() {
    let x: unknown;
    let y = x;

// Spread of unknown causes result to be unknown

function f26(x: {}, y: unknown, z: any) {
    let o1 = { a: 42, ...x };  // { a: number }
    let o2 = { a: 42, ...x, ...y };  // unknown
    let o3 = { a: 42, ...x, ...y, ...z };  // any

// Functions with unknown return type don't need return expressions

function f27(): unknown {

// Rest type cannot be created from unknown

function f28(x: unknown) {
    let { ...a } = x;  // Error

// Class properties of type unknown don't need definite assignment

class C1 {
    a: string;  // Error
    b: unknown;
    c: any;
// In an intersection everything absorbs unknown

type T00 = unknown & null;  // null
type T01 = unknown & undefined;  // undefined
type T02 = unknown & null & undefined;  // null & undefined (which becomes never)
type T03 = unknown & string;  // string
type T04 = unknown & string[];  // string[]
type T05 = unknown & unknown;  // unknown
type T06 = unknown & any;  // any

// In a union an unknown absorbs everything

type T10 = unknown | null;  // unknown
type T11 = unknown | undefined;  // unknown
type T12 = unknown | null | undefined;  // unknown
type T13 = unknown | string;  // unknown
type T14 = unknown | string[];  // unknown
type T15 = unknown | unknown;  // unknown
type T16 = unknown | any;  // any

// Type variable and unknown in union and intersection

type T20<T> = T & {};  // T & {}
type T21<T> = T | {};  // T | {}
type T22<T> = T & unknown;  // T
type T23<T> = T | unknown;  // unknown

// unknown in conditional types

type T30<T> = unknown extends T ? true : false;  // Deferred
type T31<T> = T extends unknown ? true : false;  // Deferred (so it distributes)
type T32<T> = never extends T ? true : false;  // true
type T33<T> = T extends never ? true : false;  // Deferred

// keyof unknown

type T40 = keyof any;  // string | number | symbol
type T41 = keyof unknown;  // never

// Only equality operators are allowed with unknown

function f10(x: unknown) {
    x == 5;
    x !== 10;
    x >= 0;  // Error
    x + 1;  // Error
    x * 2;  // Error
    -x;  // Error
    +x;  // Error

// No property accesses, element accesses, or function calls

function f11(x: unknown) {;  // Error
    x[5];  // Error
    x();  // Error
    new x();  // Error

// typeof, instanceof, and user defined type predicates

declare function isFunction(x: unknown): x is Function;

function f20(x: unknown) {
    if (typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number") {
        x;  // string | number
    if (x instanceof Error) {
        x;  // Error
    if (isFunction(x)) {
        x;  // Function

// Homomorphic mapped type over unknown

type T50<T> = { [P in keyof T]: number };
type T51 = T50<any>;  // { [x: string]: number }
type T52 = T50<unknown>;  // {}

// Anything is assignable to unknown

function f21<T>(pAny: any, pNever: never, pT: T) {
    let x: unknown;
    x = 123;
    x = "hello";
    x = [1, 2, 3];
    x = new Error();
    x = x;
    x = pAny;
    x = pNever;
    x = pT;

// unknown assignable only to itself and any

function f22(x: unknown) {
    let v1: any = x;
    let v2: unknown = x;
    let v3: object = x;  // Error
    let v4: string = x;  // Error
    let v5: string[] = x;  // Error
    let v6: {} = x;  // Error
    let v7: {} | null | undefined = x;  // Error

// Type parameter 'T extends unknown' not related to object

function f23<T extends unknown>(x: T) {
    let y: object = x;  // Error

// Anything but primitive assignable to { [x: string]: unknown }

function f24(x: { [x: string]: unknown }) {
    x = {};
    x = { a: 5 };
    x = [1, 2, 3];
    x = 123;  // Error

// Locals of type unknown always considered initialized

function f25() {
    let x: unknown;
    let y = x;

// Spread of unknown causes result to be unknown

function f26(x: {}, y: unknown, z: any) {
    let o1 = { a: 42, ...x };  // { a: number }
    let o2 = { a: 42, ...x, ...y };  // unknown
    let o3 = { a: 42, ...x, ...y, ...z };  // any

// Functions with unknown return type don't need return expressions

function f27(): unknown {

// Rest type cannot be created from unknown

function f28(x: unknown) {
    let { ...a } = x;  // Error

// Class properties of type unknown don't need definite assignment

class C1 {
    a: string;  // Error
    b: unknown;
    c: any;


TypeScript 2.9和之前的版本不支持在JSX组件里使用React的defaultProps声明。 用户通常不得不将属性声明为可选的,然后在render里使用非null的断言,或者在导出之前对组件的类型使用类型断言。

TypeScript 3.0在JSX命名空间里支持一个新的类型别名LibraryManagedAttributes。 这个助手类型定义了在检查JSX表达式之前在组件Props上的一个类型转换;因此我们可以进行定制:如何处理提供的props与推断props之间的冲突,推断如何映射,如何处理可选性以及不同位置的推断如何结合在一起。


export interface Props {
    name: string;

export class Greet extends React.Component<Props> {
    render() {
        const { name } = this.props;
        return <div>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
    static defaultProps = { name: "world"};

// Type-checks! No type assertions needed!
let el = <Greet />
export interface Props {
    name: string;

export class Greet extends React.Component<Props> {
    render() {
        const { name } = this.props;
        return <div>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
    static defaultProps = { name: "world"};

// Type-checks! No type assertions needed!
let el = <Greet />



默认类型是从defaultProps属性的类型推断而来。如果添加了显式的类型注释,比如static defaultProps: Partial<Props>;,编译器无法识别哪个属性具有默认值(因为defaultProps类型包含了Props的所有属性)。

使用static defaultProps: Pick<Props, "name">;做为显式的类型注释,或者不添加类型注释。


function Greet({ name = "world" }: Props) {
    return <div>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
function Greet({ name = "world" }: Props) {
    return <div>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;



/// <reference lib="..." />指令

TypeScript增加了一个新的三斜线指令(/// <reference lib="name" />),允许一个文件显式地包含一个已知的内置_lib_文件。


当你写的声明文件依赖于内置类型时,例如DOM APIs或内置的JS运行时构造函数如SymbolIterable,推荐使用三斜线引用指令。之前,这个.d.ts文件不得不添加重覆的类型声明。


在某个文件里使用 /// <reference lib="es2017.string" />等同于指定--lib es2017.string编译选项。

/// <reference lib="es2017.string" />

/// <reference lib="es2017.string" />
